“I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list.”
Susan Sontag

Are you a traveler? Visiting new places is one of my favorite things. I get an endorphin rush just planning a trip, and having that carrot ahead gets me through hard days. While I’m a fan of a good road trip, some places simply require a flight. But what impact does plane travel have on climate change?
Since I began immersing myself in learning about climate change, I have been thinking a lot about the choices I make. And the carbon impact of the aviation industry is substantial. So I decided to take a closer look at plane travel and climate change.
CO2 and contrails
Planes are fueled by gas, which emits CO2 when burned. And the excess CO2 in our atmosphere (along with a few other heat-trapping gases) is causing the planet to warm. This warming is exacerbating extreme weather events. Globally, the aviation industry is responsible for about 2.5% of CO2 emissions.
But beyond emissions, planes create trails of concentration which also raise the temperature of the Earth. These contrails are the wispy trails of clouds you can sometimes see following a plane. They act as a blanket, trapping the sun’s warmth in our atmosphere. They don’t last long, but because of the vast number of planes out there, they do impact the surface temperature in a meaningful way. When contrails are factored in, aviation accounts for 5% of global warming.
As air travel around the world increases, so does the impact of emissions and contrails.
Change at the systemic level is needed. Researchers are studying alternative fuels for planes. Biofuel – aka Sustainable Aviation Fuel – is promising, and some companies are already putting it to use. Another possible solution is electrifying airplanes. Battery storage and weight are the main limitations at this point, but work is progressing.
As for contrails, this is an emerging area of interest. Scientists are learning that making small altitude changes can decrease contrails without causing a significant increase in fuel use.
Unheating take
Flying is a hot topic in the climate change community. Some people have stopped flying altogether because of the climate impact. Others jet all over the world on private planes without giving it a thought. Business travel is necessary for many of us, including me at times.
The climate impact of my flight is one of the many things I think about when considering a trip. Travel brings me joy, and is more important to me than other things, like buying stuff. So I don’t plan to stop flying, but I do drive when it’s reasonable. I also evaluate the overall impact of my lifestyle, and work toward finding balance.
I’m not here to judge or make others feel guilty about their choices. Through this blog, I’m hoping to share information you can factor in as you make decisions. Like with every choice we make, there are tradeoffs with travel. I hope as you plan a trip, you will add this to the list of things you consider.
Let’s do something about climate change. Learn about it. Think about it. Talk about it.