“Every problem has a creative solution.”
Donna Karan
It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by climate change. The news about weather-related tragedies is constant. Case in point: the absolutely devastating situation in Pakistan. So I had been thinking a lighter topic was in order this week, then I stumbled upon the perfect story. I couldn’t wait to tell you about solar grazing.
If this doesn’t brighten your day, I don’t know what will. It turns out sheep can double as carbon-free lawnmowers.
Good problem
Have you noticed more solar fields recently? The solar industry is booming. When I leave Charlotte and drive through rural North Carolina, I see them cropping up all over. And the new climate legislation incentivizing renewable energy is only going to accelerate the trend. This is exciting news for the effort to decarbonize.
But new solutions can sometimes create new problems. One issue with solar farms is, well, they are farms. And just like your lawn, the grass and weeds need to be maintained. Otherwise, the growth will interfere with the equipment. Traditional mowers can’t effectively maneuver below and between the equipment.
Creative solution
Many solar farm owners are turning the job over to shepherds and their sheep. It’s a win-win…the sheep maintain the fields and get to snack endlessly. Plus, the animals get the added benefit of shade from the panels on scorching days.
Who knew sheep would be the perfect job candidates? They are small enough to go below the panels, and they don’t chew the wiring like some other animals would.
Solar farm workhorse
Solar grazing is a profitable business too. “Sheep, the surprise workhorse of renewable energy, are generating several million dollars in annual revenue tidying up solar farms nationwide.” This trend is also creating the need for modern-day shepherds to provide and manage the flocks.
Apparently, solar grazing is happening on most solar farms in my home state, and I had no idea. Now I can’t wait for my next drive-by.
Let’s do something about climate change. Learn about it. Think about it. Talk about it.