“What kind of a world do we want to leave to those after us, to children who are now growing up?”
Pope Francis
Not long ago, I wrote about faith and climate change. Religious leaders around the world have spoken out about environmental issues, emphasizing the importance of caring for our planet and all of God’s creatures. The Catholic Church has had a clear stance for decades, but this month, the Pope has more to say about climate change.
On October 4, Pope Francis published an Apostolic Exhortation, called Laudate Deum, “to all people of good will on the climate crisis”. This letter gives an update to his 2015 Encyclical Letter where he wrote about climate change and the need to care for “our common home”. In this recent publication, the Pope makes a passionate plea for us to act faster so we can avoid the worst consequences. He backs his points up with scientific facts and citations.
Included below are a few highlights from Laudate Deum. You can also read the full text here.
On the problem:
- Pope Francis calls the climate crisis “a global social issue and one intimately related to the dignity of human life”.
- The science behind climate change is undeniable, and the signs are already visible today.
- The problem is human-caused, and requires a transition from fossil fuels to clean energy.
- Misinformation is slowing down the progress toward solutions.
- Climate change was not caused by the poor, but the most vulnerable people are feeling the worst effects.
On solutions:
- We need more effective international cooperation, including agreements holding all countries accountable for reducing emissions.
- The Pope said “responsibility for God’s earth means that human beings, endowed with intelligence, must respect the laws of nature and the delicate equilibria existing between the creatures of this world”.
- We need large scale solutions, but every little bit helps. Individual efforts to reduce emissions are important, especially in wealthy countries with high per-capita energy use like the US.
- He says society should be pushing for solutions, because “every family ought to realize that the future of their children is at stake.”
Whether or not you are Catholic, the Pope’s words may strike a chord. As the signs of a warmer world are in the news daily, more and more people are aware and concerned. Humans have made the problem worse, but that also means we also have agency to make it better.
Let’s do something about climate change. Learn about it. Think about it. Talk about it.